Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pursuing Life (To the best of my ability)

There is so much I want to experience in life, but I am easily influenced by sights and sounds that motivate me. Music in particular does that to me. I'll hear a song with a strong beat and feel invigorated and just know I can do anything! I'll hear a love song and I am instantly somewhere in another time.....sad and lonely. Fragrances and smells do the same thing. If I let all the emotion that is evoked from all that sound and smell control me there would be times I would feel as though I couldn't accomplish enough. I just baked oatmeal cookies and the house smells delicious, but it always makes me think of other times and places ~ connections with people who are no longer in my life due to death and divorce.

I know I am doing my best and doing a pretty good job, but I know there is so much more to see and do out there and people to meet! I simply can't allow old tapes, fears, emotions to keep me from being my best.

Charles Swindoll is one of my favorite authors and speakers. In particular, his book "Living on the Ragged Edge" has had a profound effect on me in the past. There is one passage that stands out for me. Quoting from his chapter titled "Be Bullish".

"We can't wait for conditions to be perfect. Nor can we wait for things to be free of all risks - absolutely free, absolutely safe. Instead of protecting ourselves, we have to release ourselves. Instead of hoarding, we are to give and invest. Instead of drifting, we are to pursue life. Instead of doubting, we are to courageously trust. We have to be bullish!"

His reference to trusting means our trust in God, regardless of our circumstances. I'm willing to trust God. He's been so gracious and has protected me this far. Why would He not do so now?

How bullish are you willing to be?


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