I am sitting in my new home in Texas reveling in the quiet and beauty that is all around me. I know full well how blessed I am and I am so grateful.
This home is lush with peace and beauty. The half acre that is viewed from my living room windows is full of green trees and grass for now, but soon the leaves will be falling. I am looking forward to seeing how my "secret garden" will look dressed in new colors.
I recently invited my three grandsons to visit me in my new home for the first time and we had fun even though it rained hard the entire time they were here. We were able to walk through the woods and the creek in between showers when they first arrived and I wondered what adventure was racing through their minds as we walked. I wish I could have just let them go to roam freely and perhaps in the very near future I will be able to do that with the older two.
While they were here we had fun watching the squirrels race through the trees and one would sit on the ledge of one of the transom windows in my office. This one was smart enough to come in (so to speak) out of the rain as it sat under the eaves. The boys were so excited and ran from the office window to the bedroom windows to get a better look. Can you even begin to imagine what that squirrel was seeing as he/she looked down from that high perch at the beautiful, excited faces staring up?
My goal with my little boys is to make sure they have adventures they will remember always. Adventures are small, sometimes seemingly insignificant times that touch hearts and minds. They don't always require trips to far away places and loads of money. We have spent time sitting in the backyard watching the moon and talking about how when they lived in Arizona and I was still in Texas we were seeing the very same moon. It was at that point I told them they could always wave at the moon and they would be able to hear me say in their heart and mind that I love them to the moon and back! Ever since that conversation we have been telling each other that phrase everytime we speak on the phone and my sweet Dad and I say it too.
We are all children at heart. Some of us just wear larger clothes. Children are precious and that is how we should always treat each other. After all, that is how God sees us, isn't it?